Friday, June 5, 2009

Advertising Yourself

If you want an audience the responsibility for finding it is squarely on you. Until you reach a certain level of notoriety you shouldn't expect your excellence alone to draw people. There are, for example, great shower singers in the world, but no one knows of them: and that's all they'll ever do.

On the one hand I suppose some really don't care- at a certain level people do things solely for themselves. Great art and artistry, though, should be shared, and most everyone in one way or another does seek some external validation of his work.

So what is an artist to do?

How does he show potential audiences that he is worthy of their attention?

Don't sacrifice your integrity, but put yourself “out there.” If that means attending or putting up your own concerts, singing in local choirs, or creating and distributing publicity materials then do it. Enlist the help of experts, if you like, in order to make an even more positive impression on your future fans. So may artists are unable to undertake these “down-to-earth” tasks, but they are absolutely essential for those who want to make their marks.

The simple fact is that you must be in the public eye. Unfortunately, many feel that this is a Catch-22 of sorts: I'm not “out there” because no one knows me, and no one knows me because I'm not “out there.” If this is how you think, though, you're just being weeded out and those better suited to survival- those who take the initiative- will pass you by.

No one said an artist's job is easy. Unlike so many others his output is not easily quantifiable: there is no true and objective standard by which his work can be judged, and so often great performers are passed over for no apparent reason.

Who's the “better” violinist, Jascha Heifetz or Joshua Bell? Who's the “better” singer, Luciano Pavarotti or Franco Corelli?

Who's the “better” artist, Pablo Picasso or Vincent van Gogh? Who is the “greater” composer, Mozart or Bach? The questions are almost nonsensical, for while there are certain objectives that each of these strives toward, what makes each of these an “artist” is his individuality- his uniqueness- as well as the sensibilities of the audience. It's a very interesting discussion to compare their different qualities, but pretty much pointless to say that one is “better” than another.

In the business world, though, all that matters is the “bottom line.” Athletes, too, are evaluated objectively: a .300 batting average is better than .260, a birdie is better than a bogey, and if you score fifteen touchdowns in a season it's better than scoring only four. Of course, an athlete's worth is predicated on more than just statistics, but they nevertheless play a large part.

You want a doctor who saves a large percentage of his patients, an airline pilot who's never had a crash, a bank that pays more interest on your savings. These are all measurable facts and subject to inevitable, and often justifiable, comparisons.

Now, I suppose we can often come to a general consensus that a given artist is good or bad too, but even then it is difficult to explain exactly why. They certainly don't use the tool of objective comparison in highlighting their strengths. A singer doesn't say, “I crack a smaller percentage of my high Cs than 90% of all working tenors,” and a cellist doesn't say “My tone is 55% fuller than 98% of all working cellists today.” Even if these statistics were somehow available and accurate it probably wouldn't even matter: we don't value our art and artists this way. Artists are really at the mercy of the subjectivity of their own endeavors.

What this means is that, as an artist, you can't rely on your ability alone to carry you out to the world: you have to advertise yourself in as many positive ways as possible.

True Artists Video Art Design

About the author: Ralph Schatzki has been a lawyer and a teacher but always remains an opera singer, husband and father. He tries to sing whenever he can and to promote great music and singing throughout our world.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Imagine a person suddenly collapsing in a public place. A doctor, perfectly capable of helping, simply walks by. Or, a man, out hiking pinned under a small boulder, and a championship weightlifter in his group does nothing to assist.

At first glance, most people would be outraged by such non-action, even though nothing may have been done wrong under the law. Of course, most people know that law and ethics are not always synonymous.

Still, you say, “these are matters of life and death- surely something should have been done!” Perhaps, though, the doctor was on his way to a more pressing emergency, or was preoccupied with the thoughts of his son's cancer. Maybe the weightlifter was recovering from an injury that prevented him from trying to help, or it would permanently cripple him if he tried to undertake such a strain before he had recovered sufficiently from it.

Life is seldom so black and white, as much as we enjoy debating black and white scenarios: “What if the doctor was completely focused on this person, or the weightlifter was perfectly healthy?” These are interesting ethical questions to be sure, although the law still puts no duty on one to save another, unless he is in a special circumstance, caused the situation in some way, or begins to undertake a rescue.

Hey: we've got to have some rule, and it must not only take into account the victim's needs, but also the needs and rights of his potential savior: and we resist requiring people to do anything, even if they “should.”

In many cases, it ends up as a very personal choice on their parts, and for all we know they agonize over it.

I was thinking about this in the similar context of someone who has decided essentially to “retire” his skill- to remove it from the public. Should- not can- he be able to do this? What if he is an expert, or uniquely accomplished?

In the case of the weightlifter we hardly bat an eye: younger, stronger people are constantly coming up through the ranks and his career is short. When an eighty-year old doctor retires we are similarly favorably disposed to his decision: he served society well and has earned his rest.

What about a forty-year old doctor, though? He would save countless lives if he chose to continue in medicine, and then if he retires to the Bahamas...? What about a great pianist, or violinist, who decides to shelve her musical aspirations forever at the age of twenty-eight and becomes a businessperson instead? I appreciate their decisions, but what about the greater good?

Of course, in the first case the doctor probably retires because he has earned enough money practicing medicine, and in the second case the violinist quits because she hasn't made enough, but the end result is that society loses a treasure. I don't really begrudge either of these people's decisions, but I do bemoan the loss and am left to wonder why things are allowed to come to such a pass: How can we permit such an environment in which an individual's talents and gifts are thrown away? It really is a tremendous loss for us all. I don't think it's right that someone is paid so much money to perform a vital service that he can remove himself from it before his time, nor not enough that she must remove herself just to survive.

I realize this is simply a (very high) cost of living in a free market, capitalistic society: the market, by and large, determines the value of things. Unfortunately, this results in economic concerns trumping all others, including our concern for ourselves, our fellow beings and society at-large.

As a musician, I constantly ask myself what duty I owe: first to myself, but to others, as well, in ever-widening circles of diminishing acquaintance. Do I sing for myself? Yes. Solely? No, although how much my performance is for others is an interesting concern.

I guess I'm interested in what duty we musicians owe to society, even if it doesn't seem to value highly what it is that we offer. I don't have the answers, but the question should, I think, be considered.

About the author: Ralph Schatzki has been a lawyer and a teacher but always remains an opera singer, husband and father. He tries to sing whenever he can and to promote great music and singing throughout our world.

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